Saturday, 30 April 2011

Casey Heynes Defended By "Anonymous"

"Famous for their "hacktivism", Anonymous has now decided to back the side of Casey with regards to his suspension from the school after defending himself against a bully. On Chifley College’s website, a message was left (link here)..."

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Friday, 29 April 2011

Boy Who Filmed Casey heynes Smack-down Video Defends Ritchard and himself by Insulting Facebook Users Praising Casey

"The boy who videoed one of the most prolific playground fights defends himself and insults Casey on Facebook.

Original story HERE.
For privacy purposes and those of common decency, I have taken the liberty of blocking out all references to his name or those responding to him. Please keep in mind there is some offensive language used by both sides as this is a print-screen of the actual conversation on a pro-Casey group. If you are offended by coarse language, please skip below it...."

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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Chifley College (Casey Heynes' School) Cleared of Charges of Negligence

"The Department of Education in Australia has cleared Chifley College of charges of “condoning a bullying culture”. This is in deference to the fact that at least 60 counts of violence have been reported in writing by Casey Heyenes (above), international anti-bullying hero. He received little-to-no respite from these unprovoked attacks of him as a person, even considering suicide at his lowest moment."
Funny Gifs

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Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Well Played Casey Heynes! An International Hero for Anti-Bullying

The GIF video (as Youtube keep taking down the video):
Funny Gifs

"Casey of Chifly College in Sydney, Australia has finally bested the bullies who tormented him so for the large majority of his life. What did the school who failed him have to say about it?..." 
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Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Royal Wedding: Why Britain Shouldn't/Doesn't Care

So, the Royal Family….now a Royal Wedding…when are we getting our money back? Read more…
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Sid Vicious, the Man, the Legend

You say “punk rock” to someone and they immediately conjure up an image of Sid Vicious. This man is one of my personal heroes. He was the lead singer in the 1970s punk rock band, “The Sex Pistols”. For many, he is viewed as the person who started the punk rock scene, spawning and influencing such bands as The Clash, Vic Goddard, Subway Sect and Siouxsie and the Banshees, leading to theintroduction of an “underground” music scene for the public. Even more mainstream artists
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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Could You or Your Loved Ones be Being Overcharged on Purpose by Your Electricity Provider?

"A disgusting way in which the electricity and gas companies rip off the elderly – don’t get caught out! …"
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Don't vote, don't complain

"Now this mantra may be regarded as harsh, but I believe it applies. If a person feels that strongly about an issue and is outraged that the Government under whichever leader, be s/he president, Prime minister…whatever, then they should air their grievances by their right to vote. I’ve had arguments with people who talk about how they all answer to the same master and he (Obama in this instance) is just a puppet who relays the message of those he answers to. While I’d agree to a certain extent that the same people are in charge , whatever party gets in, be it the English House of Lords, or the American version, Congress, the fundamental right to vote is a lot more than many other countries get."
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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Homosexual Adoption

What are the misconceptions and lies? What is the reasoning behind current policies across the world? Why are homosexual couples denied the right to become a family?
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Tuesday, 19 April 2011


This is just an excerpt from a short story I may or may not write in the future. A little different from my normal articles:
"I stood there. Watching. Waiting. My eyes piercing through the glass sheet separating us from being in the same air. The ceiling-to-floor windows not revealing the anguish contained within the room. A normal meeting to all observers. Nothing to note as the ignorant masses go about their lives like the lemmings they so rightfully prove to be. What use are they? What do they achieve in their lives? Read more..."
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Monday, 18 April 2011

Graffiti in the UK - why it should be legalised

"Many, what one would consider “normal” people see graffiti as mindless vandalism which should be stopped. On the other hand there are those who are avid fans of the dedication and skill many of these dubbed “vandals” possess. A well done mural can take up to 8 hours to complete in some cases and the city of Melbourne, Australia is a prime example of legal graffiti showcased with pride.
There is a very “back-alley” culture in Melbourne..."
A typical Melbourne graffiti alley (photo taken by me - low resolution version)

Sunday, 17 April 2011

The banality of snobbery and the class system in the UK

"These days, the majority of the population of the UK seem to not take much notice of classes. I say “most” because there seems to still be a feeling of animosity amongst a select few people of the upper class “movement”. Just last week, at the well-known charity shop I volunteer at, we had a woman come in and, as I’m a nice, social person, we got to talking as she browsed. The fact that she was an English teacher came up and so I feigned interest with an: “Oh right, that’s cool.” To which she responded by saying to me, “I think, therefore I am’ – do you know who said that?” to which, slightly confusedly, I replied: “The French philosopher, Descartes”. The only reason I knew that, just as a side-note, was because I’m reading a “50 condensed philosophical ideas” book at the moment in which he is mentioned. She then proceeded to ask me..."


Top 10 Most Underrated TV Shows

"A list of 10 completely underrated TV shows in order, best first…"
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Saturday, 16 April 2011

How do power companies get away with it?

"Something everyone needs in their home: power. The U.K’s regulatory body, Ofgem has revealed in an independent report (here) that they believe as many as 6 main power companies (British Gas, E-on, Scottish Power, EDF Energy, N-Power and Scottish Gas) have been providing unfair rates to their customers and covering it up with confusing and misleading rate information. Issues such as the different ways in which the companies charge, the different measurements and over 300 different tariffs amongst companies and the fact that the companies haven’t reduced their rates with the alacrity they increased them, despite tumbling expenses for them lead consumers to lose faith in power companies and rightly so."
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File:Pylône haute tension.JPG

Friday, 15 April 2011

Facebook, Stop Messing With Yourself!

"Ohhh there’s a lot I can say about the social networking site, Facebook. A hugely popular means by which to share your life with anyone that has the gift of sight. When it started it was a brilliant, simple site to share some pictures, “notes” and status updates for friends and family to see. Fair enough, it worked great. Then the first change came – the “updating” to the new profile, spawning countless groups of “Bring back the old Facebook profile!” and other…erm…less favourable such group titles..."
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Image via Wikipedia

Loss Of Individuality In Schools

"Now I, like many I’d imagine went to a school in which you had to wear a uniform. Common practise in England I believe. Usually, it even extends to the fact that we couldn’t wear long trousers even in winter to conform to some ill-conceived mould of what primary school children should look like. It feels like a crushing of individuality, mass-producing learning machines who aren’t allowed individual thought."

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Image Via Wikipedia

Machinery over humans in the job market!?

"Ahh, the age of the computer, could anything be better? Information at our fingertips, menial jobs like washing dishes no longer a hassle, automated sorting machines doing our jobs for us. And that’s exactly what they are doing – or at least taking – our jobs..."

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The Media's irresponsible Ability To Scare-Monger

"For decades now, the media has an uncanny ability to put the fear of God into its humble followers. The earliest one I can remember in my lifetime would be mad cow disease: the disease in which cows can’t pass to each other and was never proven to be passed onto humans through the eating of mad cow beef..."

Random Facts And Popular Misconceptions

"I'm an avid fan of general knowledge, so here it is:

Alexander Graham Bell stole the patents for the telephone.

When adverts for cigarettes were banned, the cigarette companies made more of a profit (their advertising was simply cancelling out any kind of brand-preference amongst soon-to-be smokers and therefore a waste of money)..."

Can Freedom Of Speech Ever Be Justified to Cause Families Emotional Pain at a Time of Loss?

"WestBoro Baptist church pickets the funerals of seven children who died tragically in a fire in their home. They are legally covered by the First Amendment to convey their message of hatred..."

Legalisation of Cannabis in The UK

"I for one, believe that cannabis should be made legal fundamentally, if not solely, for medicinal purposes. It has come to a sad state of affairs when we are being dictated what we can and can’t do with our own bodies in our free time.  Politicians and police forces will tell you it is an unstable drug to use and could have adverse effects. Apparently the effects of alcohol (a projected 9,008 deaths per anum over this decade) and tobacco (106,000 lives per anum) seem to be somewhat overlooked..."