Monday, 25 July 2011

Man Finds Kidney Donor Over Facebook

"A man from Michigan, after being told he’d have to wait longer than he could survive for a kidney transplant, miraculously found one of the most generous men in the world to give him one of his own kidneys. The correspondence began over Facebook..."

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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

LulzSec Returns!

"After claiming that their 50 days (of hacking) were over, it appears that the hacking group, Lulz Security are at it again, this time hacking The Sun Newspaper’s website. It appears to be in protest of the recent scandal involving Rupert Murdoch."
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Friday, 8 July 2011

Wendy Cobb Filming a Lorry Driver’s Illegal Driving for Evidence Survives a Plank of Wood Being Inadvertently Hurtled Into Her Windscreen. and Films It All!

"Wendy Cobb a 40 year-old U.S citizen of North Carolina was attempting to film a lorry driver’s breaking of the road rules on the highway, with the intention of turning it into the driver’s boss. He was playing a game of “Cat and Mouse” and therefore holding up traffic whilst also breaking the law..."

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Photo taken by me.