Monday, 30 May 2011

How to Make and Save Money Using The Internet

"Now, whilst there are numerous “get rich quick” schemes that never pan out in those thar interwebs, but there is also a great deal of ways and means by which to either save you money or make a little extra. This article will take you through some of the ways it is possible to do that. While most articles would try to sell you on the idea of something, as they have an agenda. I do not. I’m just looking to share some of the knowledge I have acquired by testing it out myself and reaping the rewards."

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Picture taken by me

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Being in the audience for the finale of "Penn and Teller Fool Us"

So, this is pretty much my first blog post that wasn’t directed from an article which I wrote for various other sites. Last Friday (Friday 20th 2011) I and a few friends went to be audience members in the show airing on ITV1 in England, “Penn & Teller Fool Us”.

These guys are real idols of mine (and I don’t have many; I’m not one to be easily star-struck, but these guys along with, for example, Derren Brown are some real inspirational people to me). I will honour the fact that, although obviously I’m not contractually obliged, they asked us not to disclose any specifics such as whether or not they were fooled or any other major specifics of the show. All I will say is it was a great show to be a part of and I can’t wait to see how it edits onto TV; we were told that the particular episode we were seeing (the finale of the series) was to be aired on the 18th June.

I say this in such high spirits, despite the fact that it was an extended wait of about 2 hours and we were in there for approximately 4-5 hours as they needed to do pick-up shots for earlier shows and such. The guys were absolute gems about it, Penn Jillette even literally came out and basically said “Look guys, we’re sorry about this, we’re only going to rehearse for 10 minutes and it’ll be shit, but we’ll get you in faster,” which I really appreciated and must say, they were spot on, even to the point of them deciding that to reward us for our patience in the re-shooting of introductions by Jonathan Ross, they’d give us a look at another one of their tricks (I won’t say which one) and it was absolutely brilliant. How Teller (it was Teller solo) managed to prepare and perform this trick on the cusp was beyond me.

It was even amplified for me from a personal perspective as, when they were preparing this trick, I was in pain I needed to go the toilet so bad, so I was taken to the toilets backstage, had a quick slash and wasn’t allowed back into my seat as it would involve interrupting the filming. Because of this, I was given the opportunity of watching from the side-lines which was absolutely brilliant. I even had Penn literally walking past me as I was watching. I thought about saying hello or patting him on the back or something but I was too intimidated to even make eye contact (again, not easily star-struck, so this was new to me). Also, I respected his privacy, I mean there was no security to speak of there, I could have just walked up to him, but I wouldn’t want little weirdoes salavating at the thought of meeting me.

Which brings me to my next point about the show: I was truly shocked by the incredible non-existence of the security whilst filming was going on. Literally not one bodyguard or any form of security staff – just the crew and the ushers. For this, I certainly respect them both – the fact that they hadn’t let fame go to their heads. Perhaps it was something to do with the fact that they are not as well known in England as they obviously are in America, so they don’t get rushed in the streets or anything, but I don’t know. It’s just speculation on my part.

About 2 hours or so before we were let in, in fact, the pair of them literally walked past the queue for their own show and the only person to notice was my friend, Mike who shouted “Waheyyy!” at them. They acknowledged him, perhaps out of duty and walked on their way without hindrance. I heard a rumour that they even got the tube in, but as I say, it’s an unconfirmed rumour.

Anyway, a quick mention of Jonathan Ross: he was funny, kept the crowd morale up in between filming and even gave us a little inside-look at one of his own magic tricks he later showed P&T…it all went wrong for him of course, but hey, he tried. ;)

On my friend’s behalf, I wish to apologise to Penn & Teller for the idiot he must have looked to them (he felt really bad about it afterwards) and want to thank them for a brilliant show and for thinking of the fans over themselves. Great show, tune in on ITV to watch it, I wish I could have had the courage to talk to them, but there ya go.

If anyone’s interested I got the tickets for free through the official website: Check ‘em out if you’re interested in being in the audience for any shows. 

Sunday, 22 May 2011

When Did Music Lose its Soul?

"...With modern music, one cannot have the full realisation of the context within which a song was produced. Without full and proper hindsight, can one come to a valued judgement as to the appeal of a new song..."

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Here's a lolcat for you:

Saturday, 21 May 2011

50 Difficult Questions for a Christian to Answer

"This isn't an attack, just some things to think about.

Who made God?
Why did God make us?
How could God be both Jesus (on earth) and himself (in heaven)?
If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, then why..."

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Tuesday, 17 May 2011

What are You Doing for May 21st, 2011? (The Supposed Judgement Day)

"So, dubbed the “Judgement Day” by some ridiculous zealots, at the time of writing this the world supposedly has 5 days left. What is everyone going to do that day? Sure as hell (oops) not going to be waiting in line to be judged..."
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Magnetic Spidey'll sort it out:
Photo by me.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Pro or Anti-termination? The Abortion Debate

"Before you read this article I would like to state the reasoning behind my use of “Pro-abortion” and “Anti-Abortion”; the reasons people use phrases such as “pro-choice” and “pro-life” is simply that of association. It makes their counterparts look like they are either anti-choice or anti-life, so just to avoid this logistical minefield, I have chosen not to use that kind of persuasive language as much as possible..."

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Thursday, 12 May 2011

Funeral Protestors Soon to be Required to Legally Stay at Least 300 Feet Away From The Properties of Services


"This is a huge win on moral grounds for many who have lost loved ones only to be cruelly insulted by the presence of WestBoro Baptist Church members with their picketing with such signs as “Thank God for dead soldiers”, “Thank God for 9/11”, “Thank God for dead miners” and other such sickeningly vile phrases. It’s hard to believe that one can actually think like these people. That to desecrate a holy service (they claim to be religious) and a time of mourning for families and friends of someone who has died..."

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Monday, 9 May 2011

Philosophy of Religion and The Culpability Man: Global Warming


"If you are a Christian who doesn't believe in Global Warming or is too lazy to do anything about it, and it turns out the predictions were right and that it *was* preventable and people die, are you held accountable for those deaths as murders in the eyes of your faith, meaning you therefore go to hell?"

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Photo taken by me.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Britain: A Resounding "No!" To Alternative Voting


"Well, I don’t think it was really a surprise that the English nation gave their “no-votes” in to the ballot locations in droves yesterday. While it’s quite clear that, before we should have to decide on pedantic points about voting, we should actually sort out this once-powerful country, there were some pretty strong points that Alternative Voting presented..."
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Thursday, 5 May 2011

Ways to Maximise Comfort and to Beat Boredom on Long Haul Flights

Having to travel for longer than a couple of hours can be a daunting experience; I know first-hand about this, having flown to Australia via Hong Kong from Manchester airport and back. As far as I’m concerned, comfort is a huge factor in these flights – a must is taking your shoes off, loosening your belt and wearing something climate-appropriate, more importantly, climate adaptable...
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Photo taken by me.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Frank Gallagher of Shameless - Character Analysis

"The bumbling, drunkard, alcoholic, sex-addicted, drug-taking child factory from Shameless may at first glance appear to be nothing short of an idiot (the character that is, not the actor). But when one delves deeper into what he says, one begins to find the picture of a man who may not be all that he seems..."


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Monday, 2 May 2011

Osama Bin Laden Dead, Bounty placed on Soldiers' heads by Al-Qaeda

The leader of the terrorist organisation, Al-Qaeda has been killed by, what President Barack Obama described as “a small team of Americans” under his direct orders in the early hours of May 1st 2011 in Abbottabad, Pakistan. It was originally thought that Bin Laden had been hiding out in the foothills of a cave in Pakistan, but...

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Sunday, 1 May 2011

Should fast food companies be allowed to advertise unhealthy foods?

"A look at the way in which people react to "junk food" introduced into Australia where it is estimated over half the women are obese and 2/3 of the men…Do they have a right to chose what to eat?"
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World's worst fast foods